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Yakety Yak

You probably noticed that we're getting to the end of this blog challenge and I'm running out of words or topics. Or not words I know or would usually use anyway. At least I've heard today's word before and may have used on occasion.

yak or yack


verb (used without object), yakked, yak·king.

to talk, especially uninterruptedly and idly; gab; chatter: They've been yakking on the phone for over an hour.


incessant idle or gossipy talk.

There is even a song about it! According to Wikipedia "Yakety Yak" is a song written, produced, and arranged by Jerry Leiber and Mike Stoller for the Coasters and released on Atco Records in 1958, spending seven weeks as #1 on the R&B charts and a week as number one on the Top 100 pop list.

I think most people with teenagers can use this word, especially those who hog the phone. Oh wait, teenagers don't do that anymore.

Anyway, my husband likes to use it. It might be a Scottish thing, I don't know, but today I'm talking about yakking. And that's the way I usually carry on: yakking.

I think this lockdown might have a lot to do with it, but today I miss that long talks with my writer buddies, amongst them @VidaLiSik and @Charlenenamdhari. Once a month we got together in a restaurant in Rosebank, Johannesburg on a Saturday morning. Our original arrangement was a couple of hours. The first one lasted five hours. After catching up with each other's news, we usually chat about writing. New manuscripts. Ideas. Marketing. Editing. You name it, we cover it over breakfast, then cake and then maybe lunch.

Or bumtime with my Mentor Group from @TheWritingRoom, especially with @KateEmmerson. She's a strict taskmaster but between writing, we still manage to catch up and chat.

And those sister-times when my sisters and I get together and chat over a glass of wine, and reminiscing about our childhood and growing up and family. Those times are special, but at least I could share many moments like these with my sisters over the last two months.

And then there are the times that some of our school friends meet up for breakfast or a coffee and catch up with each other's news.

But, most of all, I miss the times I can just yak with my daughter or my husband. This lockdown is getting way too long with us stuck in three different countries. I know we talk over the phone (my husband and I) and my daughter and I video-chat at least three times a week, but I do miss our special time together. I miss the times when we could sit outside when the sun sets, with a glass of wine and a beer, and just talk about random stuff.

So, if you can, treasure these moments you can spend with your loved ones. Don't just talk about the negative. Find something interesting, a random fact maybe, and just talk.

Until next time


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