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Meet Lizzie Chantree, international bestselling author and award-winning inventor

Today I have the pleasure to welcome international bestselling author and an award-winning inventor to my blog. I've met Lizzie through the writing community on Facebook and had been a member of Lizzie's Book Group on Facebook for the last few months.

Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written.

I published my first book at the age of forty and am now writing my 9th novel. I write contemporary romances about female entrepreneurs with some pretty zany businesses. They get up to all sorts of trouble and have lots of giggles along the way. My books are full of friendship, laugher and sizzling men! I ran my own business for over fifteen years until I began writing, then my new career took over. I now also work as a business mentor and have just launched my new book, Networking for writers, to help other writers find new readership.

What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it?

My latest book is called Networking for writers. I am often asked how I have grown my readership and decided to write down the tools that have helped me to have six international bestsellers out so far. I hope my book encourages other writers to be able to follow their dreams, but with a little helping hand from me.

Why did you choose to write in your particular field or genre?

I chose romance because I wrote my first book during hard times and the process really helped me get through it. I love to make my readers smile. I'm now hoping I can do the same for writers, by showing them simple techniques to market their books.

What kind of research did you do, and how long did you spend researching before beginning this book?

For my networking book, it has taken years of research. I often attend courses in marketing and in my book I talk about what has worked for me along the way.

How do you select the names of your characters?

For my romance books the characters seem to tell me their names!

How do you like to collect and organise your ideas?

I tend to wing it and make things up as I go along as a writer. With non-fiction, the process has been very different. Lots of structure and planning.

How long did it take you to write this book?

I wrote it during lockdown, so about three months.

What's next for you as a writer?

I am just finishing a new romance book, which is first in a series. I'm then going to write a YA book that I have been wanting to write for a while.

It was lovely to have Lizzie on my blog today. I know I am one author who can't wait to lay my hands on this book. I wish you lots of sales, Lizzie!




Author Bio *

International bestselling author and award-winning inventor, Lizzie Chantree, started her own business at the age of 18 and became one of Fair Play London and The Patent Office’s British Female Inventors of the Year in 2000. She discovered her love of writing fiction when her children were little and now works as a business mentor and runs a popular networking hour on social media, where creatives can support to each other. She writes books full of friendship and laughter, that are about women with unusual and adventurous businesses, who are far stronger than they realise. She lives with her family on the coast in Essex. Visit her website at or follow her on social media.

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